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Today, shared public utilities give us access to clean water by simply turning on the tap. Cloud computing works a lot like our shared public utilities.

However, instead of water coming from a tap, users access computing power from a pool of shared resources. Cloud computing is a new model for delivering computing resources—such as networks, servers, storage, or software applications. Kundra There are essential technologies that cloud computing builds on, and such technologies are highlighted throughout this chapter. Some of the critical milestones and technologies along the journey to cloud computing are depicted as time lines in Figures 23 and These events are considered stepping-stones to cloud computing Daconta Licklider's work on Arpanet is seen as predecesor to the internet.

IBM pioneers virtualization, virtual memory, and time s sharing of computer hardware. Computer era of mainframes, s minicomputers, and the start of personal computers. Chellapa VMware begins with making virtualization available for the masses.

Launches CRM software. Built to handle s failure, scale to thousands Hadoop - Big Data of machines, and handle vast volumes of data. Google, Yahoo, and the Cost-effective with scale Apache Software and commodity hardware. Foundation pioneer technologies for Big Data.

The Big Data open-source framework and ecosystem emerges. Several commercial vendors emerge. Storage S3 and compute EC2 cloud services launched. Microsoft Azure Microsoft announces cloud services. Sets vision for becoming the leader in Intelligent Cloud computing.

While there are many events and technologies from the past that have led to cloud computing, some are more important than others, accelerating driving forces and possibilities of cloud models and services.

Cloud service examples and offerings from top-performing public vendors are showcased in Chapter 4. Virtualization 2. Big Data 1. This section focuses only on server virtualization. Even though the pioneering work for virtualization is attributed to IBM as far back as the s, it became a mainstream technology mainly through VMware see Figure Other software vendors such as Microsoft and Xen open-source soft- ware realized the market trend and adoption by organizations world- wide, and deliver virtualization software.

Virtualization is recognized as the pre-version of a cloud. Server virtualization is a way of abstracting physical hardware of a server machine and creating virtual machines VMs that are hosted on a physical server machine.

These virtual machines access only the abstracted hardware, and are unaware of other VMs running on the same physical computer referred to as the host machine. A software layer called the hypervisor performs the hardware abstraction. The hypervisor manages the access to this virtualized hardware and balances the load from multi- ple virtual machines that may reside also referred to as hosted on the same physical server machine.

Each VM has an operating system OS and can have applications within the virtual machine as if it were a regular operating system and computer. Hardware is presented virtually to the OS and applications within the VM, and instructions to this virtual hardware are as if it were native physical hardware.

These abstraction features lead to broad compatibility of operating systems and applications within the VM. An operating system within a VM is referred to as a guest OS. Depending on the vir- tualization vendor, this host OS can be thin e. There are limits for the virtual hardware sizes e. Should an application or operating system within a VM become rogue, then the other VMs on the host will still be unaffected, as the VMs are self-contained objects.

Encapsulation makes it easier to move VMs from host to host for performance balancing, for maintenance of hosts, or for disaster recovery with off-site storage. Through server virtualization, it is possible to host many vir- tual servers on fewer physical servers. The ratio of virtual machines to physical host machines is called the consolidation ratio. For example, if there are 40 VMs on one physical host machine, then the consoli- dation ratio would be The virtualization software would increase costs, of course, but in general the total cost of ownership would decrease, as less physi- cal hardware would be needed, and consequently less data center space would be required.

Data center space and operation are very expensive e. A high consolidation ratio is also referred to as high density, meaning a higher number of VMs are squeezed onto a host machine.

By virtualizing a data cen- ter, organizations can reduce IT costs tremendously. Processes such as procurement and deployment of servers are also transformed, as these would occur virtually. A VM can be deployed within minutes com- pared to procurement cycles and deployment processes that typically require several weeks.

The capital and operational expenses that can be assigned to a virtual machine are much lower than similar costs for a physical server.

Virtual infrastructure e. The hypervisor software layer pro- vides hardware abstraction, but there is a degradation in performance compared to native e. Container technologies e.

Applications are containerized virtual sandbox and leverage the same host OS see Figure 27 for a graphical differentiation. There can only be one host OS, and applications must be supported by that host OS. Containers can be deployed on physical server machines, within VMs, or in a cloud. Such a containment technology further increases the density of physical hosts and improves agility. Applications are contained in virtual containers i.

VMs hosted on the same physical server machine do not affect each other. It is possible to take a snapshot in time before an event e. Developers can create and deploy a VM, undertake testing, and then undeploy the VM, making the entire process more cost-effective.

It is possible to move a VM while it is running live to another physical host machine. Such a move is also referred to as a hot migration. A cold migration is performed when the VM is not running not switched on and is possible due to the encapsulation of the VM.

Both forms of movements provide possibilities that would be far harder to achieve with pure physical servers. VMs can be migrated to other host machines for performance reasons or maintenance reasons e.

VMs may also be migrated to other data centers, and virtualization enables such possibilities. In Facebook migrated VMs from one data center to another without affecting the million users of its Instagram service Metz, , June. It was an enormous undertaking, migrating the services and more than 20 billion photos, and this was made possible through virtualization technologies and more.

Virtualization makes it easier to deploy VMs in parallel for service availability, or rapidly deploy a VM if needed. VMs can be migrated or stored at another location providing improved disaster recovery options and lower costs. Cloud computing is more extensive than virtualization and is the evolutionary result of virtualization.

The top-performing ven- dors of clouds are showcased later in this chapter. Microsoft can provide a hybrid option as the virtualiza- tion technologies, and cloud services are both owned and operated by the same vendor, making integration or migration seamless.

There are three main challenges of this massive data increase. Challenge number two is the analysis and computation of this data, and challenge number three is the storage of this data. Google was a pioneer in trying to solve two of these challenges—computation and storage. Large server machines vertically scaled with a high number of CPUs and RAM—memory and network storage were the traditional means of solving such challenges, but these were very costly and could not keep up with the pace of data growth.

Google and later the Hadoop framework addressed these problems by using a horizontally scalable archi- tecture utilizing cheaper commodity server machines. The number of computer nodes in such a horizontal architecture could range from tens to thousands. Such an architecture increases the need for automation and ease of management.

Organizations could deploy and manage such environments, or they could leverage a cloud service that provides easier and more cost-effective options for organizations. As showcased in the Leeds Teaching Hospital case study see Chapter 1 , organizations could tap into the possibilities of cloud computing to capture, store, and analyze large volumes of data without having to worry about building such environments or managing the complexity of such solutions.

As highlighted by Cecere Cecere, , p. The same report projects that by Big Data analytics could boost the EU economic growth by an additional 1. Cloud vendors are supporting open-source software frameworks for Big Data as well as commercially extended software e. Such broad offerings leverage fast-moving tech- nologies, improve choice for organizations, and make it economically feasible to adopt.

Chapter 4 includes high-level showcases of the cloud offerings from the top two global public cloud providers AWS and Microsoft. The deployment, orchestration, management, and use of such an ecosystem of technologies can be overwhelming for the organization, and this can become a hindrance to adopting a Big Data strategy.

Organizations leveraging such technologies can rest assured that open-source or compatible software is utilized, which provides choice and portability e. Figure 30 illustrates some of the vast open source ecosystems of Big Data. The software can install the different components and manages dependencies.

Users see these highly scal- able clusters as one system. Instead of having to worry about adding server nodes to a Hadoop cluster, Mesos allows the abstraction of the backbones, and administrators merely need to consider adding com- putational power to an environment. Mesos is also a tool leveraged in cloud orchestration work. Apache Kafka This component handles scalable data ingress of messages in queues. Apache Kafka Streams and Apache Samza These components allow analysis of streaming data in near real time.

They are extensions of Kafka Queues. Apache Squoop Squoop is the go-to component for extract, transform, and load ETL that allows the ingestion of data in batch processing mode.

This soft- ware is suitable for large data that is to be imported into different target systems. Apache Storm This component is purpose-built for streaming and can compute the incoming data very quickly. Apache Flink Flink provides a stream processing framework for applications that require high availability and high performance. Apache Spark Spark is a component that provides a fast and general engine for large-scale data processing. Spark can leverage libraries that focus on SQL, streaming, machine learning, and graph algorithms.

Apache Falcon Falcon provides feed processing and management on Hadoop clusters. Apache Hadoop This is a framework making it possible to process large data sets with the help of distributed clusters of machines. There can be single or thousands of machine nodes in such a Hadoop cluster, and each computer node in such a cluster provides local storage. This makes it easy to compute close to the data and allows for large-scale parallelism.

Commodity hardware is used to reduce costs of such large networks, and hardware failure is expected. The Hadoop architecture design foresees such failovers and addresses this problem with cluster management and automated data copies across multiple nodes in a cluster. Apache Avro This component is a data serialization system.

Data is serialized trans- lated into a format for storage with an accompanying data schema. It is a framework for job scheduling and managing resources in a cluster. Apache MapReduce This component provides parallel processing capabilities of large data sets across a Hadoop cluster of server machines.

Apache HBase This component provides capabilities of very large tables able to store billions of rows and millions of columns. It does so on clusters of computers that leverage commodity hardware. Apache Hive The goal of this Apache project is to allow read and write access to data in a Hadoop ecosystem via friendly language such as SQL.

This makes it easier to abstract data access, and makes the usage of data more accessible for many. Apache Pig Pig is a unique language aimed at making data analysis programs more natural to write and execute.

An early version of the Hadoop frame- work required Java programming knowledge and code customization for each processing job. Pig aims to make it easier and faster to create data analysis jobs. Pig programs permit parallelization and hence make them ideal candidates for processing large data sets. It is typically used with other parts of the Hadoop ecosystem. It can provide data processing functions for batch processing as well as user interactive processing.

Apache Apex This component relies on the YARN component and consolidates data from batch processing and stream processing. It is highly scalable, is distributed, provides required performance for Big Data, and is fault tolerant. Hama can be used for large computational jobs that run in par- allel against lots of data. Apache Ignite Ignite specializes in the processing of data in memory. It aims to provide a library for developing portable applications to manage cluster resources.

Apache Flume Flume is a component in the Hadoop ecosystem that is built for captur- ing, aggregating, and moving large volumes of data contained in logs.

Apache Tajo This component is aimed at providing a distributed data warehous- ing system for the Hadoop ecosystem. It can access data sources like HBase and allows users to select a programming language of their choice e.

It is a key- value store and stores its data in HDFS. It also uses Apache Zookeeper. Apache Phoenix This component is used when applications require low latency in time. Data are stored in columnar stores, and Apache ORC has added unique indexes so that nonrel- evant values within a column can be skipped during analysis.

This feature combines the best of both row- and column-oriented storage worlds. Apache Parquet This component is also a columnar-store-oriented format, with subtle differences between it and Apache ORC. Outsourcing these challenges to a cloud provider makes it much easier for organizations to leverage the technologies without having to worry about the back-end systems and components. On-demand self-service 2. Resource pooling 4. Rapid elasticity 5. Measured service 1. Organizations should also be able to select and consume any of the cloud services available.

Such selection can be user-driven, which typically occurs via a web portal interface. It is also possible to automate steps, deployment, and undeployment of resources and services via programmed access.

Such APIs enhance automation and ease of use e. The primary goal of this on-demand self-service requirement is not having to rely on cloud providers. This can be compared to an analogy where people can walk to a food buffet table, select what they like, how much they want, and when they want without any intervention required from a waiter, and then just pay for what they selected and consumed.

Broad Network Access Organizations may operate globally or have worldwide consumers, and therefore require resources in the cloud e. Computer network access could be via physical e. Consumers utilize thick clients e. Resource Pooling Organizations leverage economies of scale that cloud providers offer. Cloud providers deploy large data centers that house the physical resources of a cloud e.

These savings can consequently be passed on to consumers of the cloud. Generally, a cloud resource pooling model means there is a multitenancy model in place. For example, virtual machines from organization A may be colocated on the same host or cluster of host machines as virtual machines from organization B.

Virtual machines can be moved dynamically or through a schedule to avoid performance issues or avoid downtimes from scheduled maintenance of host machines. The end consumers or organizations leveraging the cloud are aware that the cloud is a multitenant environment and are not interested in or worried about where their virtual machines are located at a granular level e.

Cloud providers do provide options for consumers to pay a pre- mium for dedicated resources e. The same applies to cloud services such as software as a service SaaS.

Such services are generally available to all cloud consumers utilizing a pool of resources in the back end. Cloud providers generally also make it possible for organizations to select high-level placement decisions e. Countries such as Germany require data to remain within the state.

Cloud providers such as Microsoft have addressed such regulatory requirements and concerns of organizations by providing dedicated cloud environments in Germany. Public cloud providers have also addressed special needs of government departments by creating individual data centers that provide government-only clouds and cloud services. Commercial tenants are not permitted in such government or sovereign clouds.

Location details of and access to such government clouds are even more strictly guarded than those of a commercial cloud data center, which are already very restrictive and secure.

In a tradi- tional computing model such resources would have to be preplanned, procured, and deployed in advance. The additional capacity of com- puting resources may or may not be utilized, and the resources would be idle if the workload demand were not realized see Figure This scenario is optimized in a cloud, where resources can be added or decreased depending on the requirements.

This can happen on a scheduled basis and can be completely automated. There is no need for intervention by system administrators.

Applications that are aware of this elastic model can take advantage of the additional resources when needed, and there is no downtime or disruption. One typical example of such an elastic computing model is the Black Friday sales promotion event. Organizations typically expect additional demand during this time period. Many organizations choose to act proactively and schedule again by automation such elastic growth before a Black Friday event. If computing resources had been inadequate, then the web service would not have been available, thus causing a negative user experience and lost sales opportunities.

The disadvantage of such a model is that the extra capacity would then remain idle for most of the time, as the regular demand was lower than the spike in demand. The general baseline demand in this case study is around the percent line. Therefore, the traditional approach would be wasteful of resources and increase costs for an organization over a more extended period. Cloud automation was used to double the capacity of the back-end web service components.

Resources were increased via automation technologies and cloud com- ponents of the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. The IT team responsible for the SPX platform monitored the utilization of the platform, and when it saw demand reducing to normal levels again, it decided to cut the back-end capacity back to its usual level. This was still wholly automated and required minimal human intervention and time.

Source: Bartr Measured Service Cloud vendors provide a level of abstraction i. Such parameters indicate throughput, capacity, and performance for cloud consumers. Computing resources can be controlled by the organization, which has control over what and how much it wishes to consume. Monitoring and reporting capabilities provided to organizations utilizing the cloud increase transparency.

Such information then permits organizations to base utilization decisions on cost information. Public cloud providers provide different cost models to assist organizations with judgments for different use cases. One of the most common cost models is pay as you go PAYG. The model measures resources at granular levels, and organizations pay for only the number of resources e. The granularity of measurement and charging varies between vendors, but the most common granular models allow time intervals of minutes or hours.

Public cloud providers may also charge different prices for bursting capabilities e. Depending on the cloud services consumed and the cloud vendor, the units of consumption and hence the charges will also vary.

For example, serverless computing may charge for the processing of jobs rather than for servers, as the back end is wholly managed as a service. Other cost models allow the use of the spare capacity of a public cloud provider at certain times when overall total demand is low and the cloud vendor has ample additional capacities.

This allows the cloud provider to charge for resources that would otherwise be idle. Customers gain from such models by leveraging lower-rate prices. The downside of such cost models is the unexpected price and time window available. Such resources may then be recaptured by the public cloud provider at any time within a short warning time to reallocate to premium usage cases of customers.

Applications leveraging such unreliable short computing capacity must therefore be fault tolerant and be able to deal with and recover from resources being unavailable in the middle of a processing job. To assist organizations in such scenarios, public cloud vendors provide a long-term cost model e. Organizations can then assess their usage of cloud resources and select the appropriate cost model.

Pay as you go PAYG 2. Spot instances also known as low-priority VMs 3. Reserved Instances 4. Amazon AWS provides an online calculator to estimate possible costs. A small example is depicted in Table 1. Organizations that have useful information regarding their usage of servers can then select discounted pricing options over a more extended period e.

The research and advi- sory company Research produces a Cloud Price Index CPI encompassing 12 cloud services that include the most commonly used services by organizations, such as compute resources, storage resources, databases, serverless computing services, and more. The standard and best price ranges are on a downward trend, with a decrease between 2 and 10 percent respectively, with the best price index being on a exponential reduction compared to a more slowly degrading of the standard price see Figure Adoption of cloud computing by organizations mostly began with infrastructure as a service IaaS , and companies worldwide are now consuming more of the platform as a service PaaS and software as a service SaaS service models.

Infrastructure as a Service IaaS A cloud vendor provides the capabilities for organizations to self- provision compute resources, storage, virtual networks, and other resources that a company may require to deploy and run software applications. A cloud consumer does not access the actual hardware or anything physical at a cloud data center. Organizations that leverage infrastructure as a service IaaS have full control of the virtual machine, operating system, and applications within the virtual machine.

Automation within a cloud to provision such resources is vital for large-scale self-service automation. The organization consuming the cloud resources is responsible for patching and maintaining the operating system in a virtual machine, security access to the virtual machine, or the applications within the VMs. As an organization consumes more advanced cloud services i. An example of the joint responsibility model with AWS is depicted in Figure Platform as a Service PaaS The platform as a service is the next evolutionary step in adopt- ing cloud services.

It follows in the same footsteps as the IaaS, in that it allows self-service of resources, and there is also a shared responsibility model. In this PaaS cloud service model, there are more responsibilities that fall onto to the cloud provider. Self-service and automation make the deployment of such environments very quick typically within minutes and easy.

Continuing from the early example, the cloud provider would be responsible for the underlying cloud resources, the virtual machine, the operating system, and the relational database. It would also be the responsibility of the cloud provider that there is adequate performance of the database, database backups are performed in an automated manner, and there is high availability as well as ways to prevent or recover from disasters e.

The cloud provider manages the underlying infrastructure, so the environment is tightly controlled. Software as a Service SaaS Software as a service is the most advanced use of cloud services. Management and responsibilities mostly lie with the cloud provider. Organizations consume software application services without the need for deploying or managing anything.

Probably one of the most famous examples of software as a service is Salesforce. No development work is necessary, nor is there a need for integrating additional software components.

Application maintenance and updates are the responsibility of the cloud provider. In an SaaS model, an organization pays a monthly or annual subscrip- tion for the use of software that is cloud-based. A subscription-based licensing and cost model means consumers of this service receive constant updates and new features to the application. Several leaders are establishing themselves in the software as a ser- vice market, as illustrated in Figure Private clouds are generally deployed on-premises of an organi- zation, which is solely responsible for the infrastructure and objects e.

Some organizations may not fully trust the public cloud model, or they have sensitive data that cannot be deployed in a pub- lic cloud. These reasons are probably the most common roadblocks to adopting public cloud services. Community clouds are a niche segment but may address critical concerns such as government or military use cases.

One special cloud environment may be used to service multiple government departments of the same country, but exclude access to the general public or other nations.

Data resides in the same country of residence. Environment can be on-premises or off- premises. Managed by organization, third party, or combination.

VMware is a leading private cloud vendor. Cloud infrastructure for shared use by multiple organizations sharing same concerns or goals. Environment can be on- premises or off-premises. Managed by organization, 4 third party, or Deployment combination. Typically 3 Public Cloud used for bursting capacity, hedging risks, or protecting sensitive data. Cloud Infrastructure for public use by any organization or users. Environment is off-premises, managed by cloud provider only.

Figure 40 Four Cloud Deployment Models clouds also referred to as sovereign clouds. Another example is where local regulations and concerns require all data to reside in a local coun- try. Germany, for example, needs data to remain in Germany whether the users of such cloud services are government or private organi- zations.

Public clouds are probably the most common type of cloud, leveraged by enterprises and private consumers alike. Public cloud vendors are developing enhancements in security e.

Through , 95 percent of cloud security failures will be caused by customers Skyhigh , 3. Note that the capabilities referred to in this magic quadrant report are those of cloud infrastructure as a service IaaS. Note: Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product, or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designations.

The fourth deployment type of cloud NIST, , is the hybrid cloud model. Organizations can stretch or burst into capacity and services of public cloud providers when and where required. Microsoft can provide such a mixture via its on-premises virtualization Hyper-V capabilities or via technologies that are designed to leverage cloud services. The Microsoft SQL Server a database technology platform is such an example, where data can reside on-premises and stretch into a public cloud where required.

This allows organizations to leverage elastic capacity when needed, or leverage an off-site disaster recov- ery option. The Microsoft SQL engines of on-premises and cloud are the same, enabling organizations to develop applications and workloads that seamlessly integrate and can be migrated when required with minimal effort. Amazon AWS and VMware have formed a partnership to allow organizations to migrate on-premises virtual machines to the public cloud and back Barr A survey conducted by RightScale high- lights that 96 percent of the respondents are using cloud, whereby 71 percent are using a hybrid approach, 21 percent use public cloud only, and only 4 percent use private cloud only RightScale , 12 see Figure Private clouds will continue to exist in parallel, serving data-sensitive usage cases, as well as those having other reasons for utilizing a private cloud alongside a public cloud.

Three main cloud providers AWS, Azure, and Google in the pub- lic cloud space have established themselves, with the top two public cloud vendors owning the majority of the market share more than 65 percent , as shown in Figure Two other vendors, SoftLayer and Rackspace, have negligible market shares of 3.

Wauters et al. As shown in Figure 46, faster access to infrastructure, greater scalability e. The top four priority areas have generally maintained their percentages of importance when comparing and results.

Other priority areas have slightly diminished in importance e. For example, an organization could scale out computing resources when analyzing large time series for demand-driven forecasts, or computing inventory optimization and replenishment with large volumes of data and multiple network paths in the supply network multiechelon , and then scale the com- puting resources back down when no longer needed.

Organizations could utilize new disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things IoT through cloud computing. Leveraging IoT technologies and cloud services would help organizations with the collection of demand signals from connected devices, and processing and storing them for near real-time decisions and analysis.

Large spikes of demand e. Business continuity could be increased by leveraging related services from cloud providers.

For example, data could be seamlessly mirrored to different data centers or regions operated by a cloud provider. Depending on the design of the applications, it is also possible to have standby computer nodes for increased performance or for handling the failure of some nodes.

For example, the web application and supporting back-end services for the online shopping web portal of a retailer could have several computer nodes that increase when there is increased demand e. Cloud vendors also make it possible to have such web applications globally available. This provides a fast and responsive experience for end consumers e. See Table 2. Challenges, fears, and reasons for not adopting cloud comput- ing are dwindling over time.

Approximately 63 percent of respon- dents of a cloud IaaS survey noted that they perceive the public cloud to be equally secure as or more secure than their own data center Skyhigh , Organizations must modify their procedures and processes to adapt to a cloud platform. In a shared responsibility model of public cloud computing, organizations are responsible for their data, and the public cloud provider can provide options such as encryption of data at rest and in motion, secure access, and authentication.

The importance of these challenges shift as organizations move through maturity phases of adopting cloud computing. As organizations become more knowledgeable in cloud, they adjust operations accordingly while adhering to governance, internal procedures, and legal regulations. The shared responsibility model of public cloud providers and organizations helps address such challenges together and reduce risks if utilized correctly.

Organizations in the European Union agree or strongly agree that leveraging public cloud leads to higher security, the ability for organiza- tions to leverage up-to-date IT technologies, and that the public cloud is more reliant and easier to use see Figure Percentage of revenue growth as a result of leveraging cloud computing is evenly spread across small, medium, and large organiza- tions European Commission: , The research highlights that the majority of respondents estimate 5 to 19 percent revenue growth attributed to adopting cloud computing.

As noted earlier, the level of importance of cloud computing varies across industries e. In the manufacturing sector, cloud computing is seen as a way of improving supply chain management, as well as improving inventory, orders, and distribution. Sixty percent of respondents of an Economist Intelligence Unit survey see cloud com- puting as a way of supporting production processes, and 54 percent of respondents see cloud computing as an enabler leading to better supply management Economist Intelligence Unit , 7.

Organizations must select the most suitable cost model for their business and must ensure that internal processes are adapted to a new way of opera- tion with cloud. Such operating procedures will help organizations to ensure there are no cost wastages. Public cloud vendors assist with such goals by providing monitoring and reporting information, as well as methods to automate decisions for balancing business needs and costs. In summary, cloud computing has evolved into a mature and widely adopted platform.

There were some pioneering technologies and events that led to cloud computing, and new emerging trends like Big Data and IoT continue to drive the need for public clouds. The number of cloud services to help organizations adapt to such new challenges is also set to increase. Adoption of the cloud by organizations is likely to rise further, with exponential growth predicted to continue over the next few years.

Almost everything I do seems to end up in an Evernote document. There are other platforms which do not work either. In my opin- ically saves a second file on the disk. It uses a ion, email services are a key element of Cloud Com- strange link or it will require you to log in, even if puting which includes Google Mail. However, this board, I decided to use it less and less.

They are so far ahead that it would take a lot of time for anyone to try to catch up with them, even in achieving something remotely close to their platforms from a technical standpoint. I find it efficient. They have managed to integrate it well with lots of other services but without impacting the user GK OneDrive bothers me.

They keep pushing me to experience of people who have a limited need for upload my pictures. No one managed to do as well important things and I use it for collaboration on as this before them. I also leave my weekly sion is less user friendly on the desktop. We also use Microsoft a lot which in- tegrates its services into OneDrive so it was kind of inescapable. JV I used Skype in parallel with files located on the Cloud. Google, Microsoft and Dropbox.

MB I use Slack to store documents and to chat. There is a the GPL. Cyberduck is written in Java and C using the day free trial and since is free for teachers. Forms on Windows. You can ask for it to including file transfer by drag and drop and notifications be created, but consider checking the search result be- via Growl.

It is also able to open some files in external text low to see whether the topic is already covered. Crashplan Code42 Code42 is an American software company that develops Dashlane and markets the CrashPlan backup software and services Dashlane is a password manager app and secure digital suite.

It was founded in as an IT consultancy. CrashPlan gets pos- itive reviews for its pricing, feature-set and user inter- face, but large initial backups were reported as slow. About the services About the services Drive Editorially Stet editorially Google Drive, formerly Google Docs, is a file storage and Stet is a free software package for gathering comments synchronization service created by Google.

It allows us- about a text document via a webpage. The initial version ers to store files in the cloud, share files, and edit docu- was developed from late until mid— by the ments, spreadsheets, and presentations with collabora- Software Freedom Law Center as a service to its client, tors. The software was and Slides, an office suite that permits collaborative ed- built to facilitate public consultation during the Version iting of documents, spreadsheets, presentations, draw- 3 draft process of the GNU General Public License.

Evernote Drobpox Evernote is a cross-platform, freemium app designed for Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by American note taking, organizing, and archiving. It is developed by company Dropbox, Inc. The app allows users personal cloud, and client software. Notes can also have folder with the same contents regardless of which de- file attachments. Notebooks can be added to a stack vice is used to view it.

Files placed in this folder are also while notes can be sorted into a notebook, tagged, an- accessible via the Dropbox website and mobile apps. Users may access Gmail as secure web- created by Google. Google Drive encom- and it became available to the general public on February passes Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, an office suite 7, , though still in beta status at that time.

The ser- that permits collaborative editing of documents, spread- vice was upgraded from beta status on July 7, , along sheets, presentations, drawings, forms, and more. Google with the rest of the Google Apps suite. Drive was launched on April 24, and had million monthly active users by October Google said in Google App September that they had over 1 million individual or Google Apps for Work is a suite of cloud computing pro- organizational paid users of Google Drive, and that they ductivity and collaboration software tools and software had made new security and privacy dditions.

The Google Calendar is a time-management web application suite allows users to create and edit documents online and mobile app created by Google. It became available while collaborating with other users in real-time.

Users are required to have a Google Account in order to use the app. Google originally developed it as Windows Live Folders is a file hosting service that allows Google Wave. Wave is a web-based computing browser or mobile device. Users can share files publicly or platform and communications protocol designed to merge with their contacts; publicly shared files do not require a key features of communications media such as email, in- Microsoft account to access them.

OneDrive is included in stant messaging, wikis, and social networking. Communi- the suite of online services formerly known as Windows cations using the system can be synchronous or asynchro- Live. Software extensions provide contextual spelling and grammar checking, automated language translation and Popcorn Time other features. Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player.

The appli- Office cations provide a free alternative to subscription-based Office is the brand name used by Microsoft for a group video streaming services such as Netflix. Popcorn Time of software plus services subscriptions that provides pro- uses sequential downloading to stream video listed by ductivity software and related services to its subscribers.

Users may exchange such digital documents based in Berlin, Germany, that enables its users to upload, as images, text, video and any others, and may transmit record, promote, and share their originally-created sounds.

Skype is based on a freemium service attracts more than million unique monthly lis- model. Much of the service is free, but Skype Credit or a teners, while content creators upload about 12 hours subscription is required to call a landline or a mobile phone worth of audio every minute.

Founders Alexander Ljung number. At the end of , there were over million and Eric Wahlforss are the chief executive officer CEO and worldwide users, with over million estimated active chief technical officer CTO , respectively.

At one point in February , there were thirty four million users concurrently on- SugarSync line on Skype. SugarSync is a cloud service that enables active synchro- nization of files across computers and other devices for Slack file backup, access, syncing, and sharing from a variety of Slack is a cloud-based team collaboration tool co-founded operating systems, such as Android, iOS, Mac OS X, and by Stewart Butterfield, Eric Costello, Cal Henderson, and Windows devices.

For Linux, only a discontinued unofficial Serguei Mourachov. Slack began as an internal tool used third-party client is available. Trello Trello is a web-based project management application originally made by Fog Creek Software in , that spun out to be its own company in Its sole purpose is to save formats from obscurity.

This overview of Lost Formats is not presented in any particular order and not in any way complete. Further explanation about this collection can be read be- low scroll all the way down. Using the cloud is a no-brainer, but picking which service to use is a bit more difficult. Which cloud storage is right for you? OneDrive Box File size restrictions? Yes Can I earn extra free storage? Free storage? It will also no longer iOS, Kindle Fire, let you earn free storage. Following that, it was often work across different time zones.

This is the Dropbox. I think my main motivation was the abil- specificity of my job: working with people who are ity to access them from different computers, in not close geographically. It can sometimes be different places and being able to retrieve my con- tricky but the tools are here to ease things, or, at tent when traveling, even on an iPad.

These are least, they should be. PW Nowadays, we report on what we saw immediately after returning from the field. My job is in events management which use it systematically, I have documents on Drop- is a very international environment and has close box or Google Drive as well and end up not being connections with the media.

We also work with able to find anything. I have however been using many virtual teams that are fragmented. For ex- Google Drive to store my talks and slideshows for ample, we could be working with a main company, the past year. Someone then saves it sands of pictures every ten seconds and therefore and we chat about what we did and then we will cannot depend on WiFi.

The more I can man- Back-up of digital files age the details, adjust and re-adjust, the better it Back-up of paper-based files is for me. I also value the smooth replication of Disaster recovery content. I need a tool to help me anticipate and File access manage collaborations with people. I face a lot of Synchronization different situations and need a service that allows Versioning me to respond in good time.

For example, some- times I want everyone to be able to access every- Communication thing but in other cases, I want to be able to block Collaboration a version of the document, to start a new version Photo sharing and to manage the workflow. It was It depends cool to be less focused on screens, and also give Commonly my damaged eyes a break.

Furthermore, the exer- Once a day cise allowed me to look at the world around me. Continously However, when I got back, I realized that I had Permanently completely forgotten to save some things, emails It became a reflex for instance. These boards offer fascinating insight into Insync user practices, and the range of topics discussed is quite Copy broad. We quickly discovered thatthis approach would en- Spideroak able us to build two typologies according to the main us- Wuala age of cloud computing services and the motivation of its Skydrive users.

SugarSync LogMeIn Cubby We basically built a corpus of messages that we catego- iCloud rized and represented visually with the following diagrams. Skydrive These shed light on the main uses of cloud computing Mozy Stash and the practices that the Cloud enables people to under- Box take.

The latest news of cyber security industry is more than disturbing. You can change your password in your account settings. See our tips for choosing a strong The experts have found out that all of the specified ser- password.

Two-step verification is a highly effective way to protect These tokens are stored on the device in a file, in the Win- your account from unauthorized access.

The analysts have de- your phone or a mobile authenticator app. Find out how veloped a tool Switcher for simulation of the attack, to set up two-step verification. The IP address can be used to of a particular cloud service. Then Switcher re-initializes identify the approximate geographical location where the client-side application of the appropriated cloud ser- the device connected through an internet service pro- vice and proceeds to using a changed token.

As a result vider. In some cases the attacker can use this that was recorded. So the Warning! This would not baseball down 2 10 only take time to re-adapt but the impact on our welcome new 11 work practices would also be huge. A big ca- master up 2 17 tastrophe like a post-nuclear apocalypse would be monkey down 6 18 worse as it would deprive us of Internet access.

It letmein down 6 19 would take time to set a mesh network. The prior- login new 20 ity would no longer be the ability to access your princess new 21 pictures on the Cloud! Share files and lookup service for more detailed information. View, open, and download files Unlink devices, web sessions, and apps Delete files, or restore deleted files. This will help prevent unauthorized changes to your above actions has been taken in your account, first check account.

Business requires accessing information from any- If a third-party app is linked to your account, unlinking it where, anytime and on any device.

Remote wipe the ment related challenges. While a great deal of can use remote wipe to delete the Dropbox folder from attention has been given to protecting electronic assets a device when you unlink it. From the outside you are invincible. Inside is a different story! Sources of Data Leakage Inside, A Blackberry can be as dangerous as an internal There are many ways through which confidential data or spy. Your email server may become a superhighway for proprietary secrets can leave an organization via the sending classified data to the outside world.

An HTTP link internet: can be a pipeline to the competition. Whether deliberate or Acci- FTP, dental, data loss occurs any time. Employees, consul- Flash drives, tants, or other insiders release sensitive data about cus- USB Devices, tomers, finances, intellectual property, or other Mp3 players, confidential information in violation of company policies Cell phones, and regulatory requirements.

With all the avenues available to employees today to electronically expose sensitive data, the scope of the data loss problem is an order of magnitude greater than threat protection from outsiders. Mov- ing or breaking them. Plus, it removes the need for ing around stacks of books when you have tons of maintenance as this is done by the service provid- them is annoying.

So even if I hate reading on a er. It al- the document through icons is very interesting lows me to work collaboratively. I use chatrooms and is a detail that makes us closer. We sometimes and multi-user editing platforms. JV We can access the Cloud anywhere. As soon as we go stolen. That said, there are important security is- over 1Gb, however, the Cloud is needed. Once, one my devices stopped working and being able to ac- MB It works on any device, for example on my tablet cess my same files from different devices was very and on my phone.

Recently, we shared photos of New fied and when. Almost everyone used files that people worked on. I have lots of things trooms, IM in which we can upload documents and that I categorize, photos, music, etc. This is useful when working remotely. I travel quite often and it is the most effi- CC In your opinion, how would you do without cient way for me to retrieve documents. I can use the Cloud? This was the main reason for me as MB Badly as it would take ages to share documents. Basically, I would have to create a document, it easy for me to look for things.

Can we use email in this hypothetical scenario? It fits my job as a consultant. A client sends me a Drop- CC Yes, sure. YH The two main incentives for me were: the possibil- ity to work in the same conditions anywhere and CC laughter everywhere without having to think of what to bring or moving important assets around. CC Does it mean you feel like you are dependent on these services? MB Yes, totally! Especially because we are not in the same country and making phone calls is expensive which means we really depend on these services.

We then be- MB I find it constraining that we have to fight for stor- come overwhelmed with documents and files. I have so much unlimited storage space that mon given that we work in teams. For example, my Spotify playlists, and I have to find a solution to work. I store lots of things, but how do I know if they are still there? What happens if JV I used to have a university email where all of my Spotify is bought out by Microsoft?

Will they van- documents were stored. But I never made a back- ish? It would be a bummer to lose all of my musical up, so when it was deactivated, I lost everything! If some day Evernote will be like then either. PW I find it extremely frustrating when I am spammed.

An animal icon is randomly as- sociated as the anonymous user's avatar. Service Description. Experience Matters This data indicates there is a huge capabilities gap in provider.

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